MDGA & TMGR - FCH Goldenwood ST Lina
Lina is 1st generation mini - Lamancha, 50 percent Lamancha, 50 percent Nigerian Dwarf. She and her half sister Hazelnut were my bottle babies and still are my in your pocket doelings. They love nothing better than to be right next to me and will even shove other goats away from me. She is a beauty and a sweetheart.
Sire - Poppy Patch CM Stuart
SS - Poppy Patch Crazy She Calls Me SSS - AGS ++*B Twin Creeks Rebel w/o A Cause *S SSD - AGS Esperanza ZZ Charity SD - Poppy Patch BW Ooh LaLa SDS - Poppy Patch FM Billy Whiskers +EE88 SDD - Poppy Patch Lil Miss Broadway Dam - Goldenwood BSL Faline VEVE 89 DS - Fir Meadow ALP Basil VEV 89 DSS - *B Lucky*Star's RY Alpha VEV88 DSD - Fir Meadow Zal Anise 6*M VEEE 90 DD - Goldenwood VRT Twitterpaited DDS - *B Lucky*Star's QM Vert-Tinos DDD - Ober-D'Rainbow KRT Renae |
Kidding History:
2016 - 1 doe, 1 buck
2017 - Twin doelings
2018 - Triplets 1 doe, 2 bucks
2019 - Twins I buckling and 1 DOA doeling.
2016 - 1 doe, 1 buck
2017 - Twin doelings
2018 - Triplets 1 doe, 2 bucks
2019 - Twins I buckling and 1 DOA doeling.
Goldenwood BSL Faline - Lina's dam